Machines for smoothing the internal and external weld bead on stainless steel tubes used in the food and sanitary fields, to be installed on tube-mills with TIG or LASER welding systems.
The electronic control of working cycle allows quick and accurate adjustments for better optimizing the result of working.
The inside bead control machines are available in the following models having different working capacities:
- LM 130 working capacity ID min. mm. 18 – OD max. mm. 120
- LM 230 working capacity ID min. mm. 120 – OD max. mm. 203
- LM 310 working capacity ID min. mm. 190 – OD max. mm. 280
- LM 90 DOUBLE working capacity ID min. mm. 25 – OD max. mm. 90
- LM 168 DOUBLE working capacity ID min. mm. 80 – OD max. mm. 168,3
By clicking on the names of the different available machines on the right side of this page, you can see the single technical sheet and the photos of the specific selected model.
Instead, by clicking on the following link, you can see the whole catalogue of the machines to be installed in-line on tube-mills: IN-LINE MACHINES CATALOGUE